Beat Bunny
Explore the NFT Universe of Space Music
Transforming the music industry's future, our groundbreaking fusion of blockchain technology and music redefines rhythms, ushering in a new era of creation, distribution, and experience.
in shaping the future of digital music - where innovation meets art, and your passion finds its space.
Bring It
Beat Bunny
Keep my soul
Beat Bunny
Moms Plaing Puss
Beat Bunny
You got brave
Beat Bunny
Birds Lugh
Beat Bunny
Melancholic monday
Beat Bunny
let yourself be kidnapped...
Join us in our community and 
Adoption of blockchain technology and NFTs
BeatBunny is committed to educating both artists and the public about blockchain technology and NFTs through seminars, webinars, and educational materials. Additionally, the platform will be designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those unfamiliar with blockchain or NFTs.
Cryptocurrency volatility
BeatBunny will use stablecoins such as USDT, BUSD, and DAI for transactions, thereby reducing the risk of cryptocurrency volatility. These stablecoins are pegged to the value of the dollar, offering greater financial stability.
Copyrights and smart contracts
BeatBunny will collaborate with legal experts to ensure that copyrights are respected and that smart contracts are legally sound. Furthermore, the platform will provide legal assistance to help artists navigate the complex field of copyrights.
Decentralized governance
BeatBunny will adopt a governance model based on a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). However, to avoid slow or ineffective decisions, BeatBunny will implement a weighted voting system, where the votes of artists and key contributors will carry more weight. This will ensure that decisions are made promptly and that the interests of artists are always at the forefront.
Purchase of a villa in Ibiza
BeatBunny will use funds raised from the sale of musical NFTs and the platform to purchase a villa in Ibiza. This villa will be used as a gathering place for artists and as a venue for live music events.
Environmental sustainability
BeatBunny is aware of the environmental impact of blockchain and is committed to using more energy-efficient blockchains or offsetting the carbon emissions generated by its operations.
Cryptocurrency regulation
BeatBunny will closely follow cryptocurrency laws and regulations in various countries and adapt accordingly to ensure legal compliance.
Technical implementation
BeatBunny will have a team of experienced developers to ensure a smooth and secure technical implementation of the platform and musical NFTs.